Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Transferring files with netcat

Netcat is a computer networking service for reading from and writing network connections using TCP or UDP. Netcat is designed to be a dependable “back-end” device that can be used candidly or easily driven by other programs and scripts.

netcat is an application that is mostly used for "backdoor" purposes, and in this tutorial, I will show you how to transfer a file over a network via netcat.

If you're using Windows, you can download netcat from here. Once it is downloaded, copy nc.exe to C:\Windows\System32 so that you can access it from everywhere.

Transferring files

First run the following command on the receiving computer:

nc -v -w 30 -p 5600 -l > test.txt

After the receiving computer starts listening (in this case, on port 5600), run the following command on the sending computer:

nc -v -w 2 5600 < test.txt

where is the address of the receiving computer. In this case, it's localhost because I'm transferring files over the same computer, for demonstration purposes.

The file was now transferred to the other side:

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Java's Iterators and Iterables

What is an Iterator?

From Wikipedia:

In computer science, an iterator is an object that allows a programmer to traverse through all the elements of a collection, regardless of its specific implementation.

The point of using an iterator is to allow the the client to iterate over the collection of objects, without exposing implementation details. This gives you the benefit to change what collection the Iterator iterates over and how each element is served, without making any change the client's code.

Making custom collections iterable

Let's say we have our own custom Vector-based collection, GameCollection, that stores Games and we want to make this collection iterable (over its stored Games) by making it implement the Iterator inteface:

public class GameCollection implements Iterable<Game> {
 private Vector<Game> games;
 public GameCollection() {
  games = new Vector<Game>();
 public void add(Game game) {

 public Iterator<Game> iterator() {
  return games.iterator();

The client can then use the above collection as follows:

GameCollection gc = new GameCollection();
Iterator<game> gameIterator = gc.iterator();

while (gameIterator.hasNext()) {
 Game g =;

Or better yet, make use of Java's for-each statement:

GameCollection gc = new GameCollection();
for (Game g : gc) {

As you can see from the above code, the client doesn't know that we are using a Vector to store our Games in the GameCollection. Infact, we can later change the GameCollection to store the Games in a LinkedList or an Array, and yet the client wouldn't need to change his iteration code (code above) to suit for our changes.

Multiple iterators for a custom collection

What if we now want our GameCollection to offer two iterable solutions? Say we want our GameCollection to iterate over both Games and also GameConsoles?

The first thing that comes to mind is to try and make the GameCollection implement two Iterator interfaces using different generic arguments:

public class GameCollection implements Iterable<Game>, Iterable<GameConsole>

but unfortunately, the above doesn't compile. Therefore, as a workaround to such an issue, we can make use of Java's ability to allow for inner classes:

public class GameCollection  {
 private Vector<Game> games;
 private Vector<GameConsole> consoles;
 private class Games implements Iterable<Game> {
  public Iterator<Game> iterator() {
   return games.iterator();
 private class Consoles implements Iterable<GameConsole> {
  public Iterator<GameConsole> iterator() {
   return consoles.iterator();
 public GameCollection() {
  games = new Vector<Game>();
  consoles = new Vector<GameConsole>();
 public void add(Game game) {
 public void add(GameConsole console) {

 public Games games() {
  return new Games();
 public Consoles consoles() {
  return new Consoles();

With the above two inner classes and the public methods games() and consoles(), the client can iterate over the collections like such:

GameCollection gc = new GameCollection();

//Add games and consoles with gc.add()

for (Game g : {

for (GameConsole g : gc.consoles()) {

Creating custom iterators

Up till this point, we have only used iterators that are in built with Java's existing collections; but what if we want our own custom iterator? We can use Java's java.util.Iterator interface to build our own iterator.

In the following example, I have created a Circular Iterator:

public class CircularGamesIterator implements Iterator<Game> {

 private Vector<Game> list;
 private int currentPosition;
 public CircularGamesIterator(Vector<Game> games) {
  list = games;
  currentPosition = 0;
 public boolean hasNext() {
  return currentPosition < list.size();

 public Game next() {
  Game el = list.elementAt(currentPosition);
  currentPosition = (currentPosition + 1) % list.size(); 
  return el;

 public void remove() { }

The iterator() method of the GameCollection class can then be modified to return an instance of the CircularGamesIterator:

public class GameCollection implements Iterable<Game> {
 private Vector<Game> games;
 public GameCollection() {
  games = new Vector<Game>();
 public void add(Game game) {

 public Iterator<Game> iterator() {
  return new CircularGamesIterator(games);

An Iterator should not be Iterable!

I have seen some examples on the internet where people make Iterators iterable by making their Iterators implement the Iterator interface and returning this in the iterator() method:
I have removed the implementation in the methods for the following code for brevity.

public class CustomIterator implements Iterator<Game>, Iterable<Game> {

 public CustomIterator(Vector<Game> games) {
  list = games;

 public Iterator<Game> iterator() {
  return this;

 public boolean hasNext() {

 public Game next() {

 public void remove() { }

The problem with the above code can be clearly illustrated with such a method:

public static void iterateTwice(Iterable<Game> games) {
 for (Game g : games) {
 for (Game g : games) {

If you directly pass in your iterable iterator to the above method, the Games will only be printed once.

To illustrate this, let's assume that we will use the custom iterator mentioned above, CustomIterator, that implements both Iterator<Game> and Iterable<Game>. Our GameCollection implements Iterable<Game>, and its iterator() method returns new CustomIterator(games);. Now, let's also say that GameCollection also provides a method games() that also returns new CustomIterator(games);.

Here's an example that illustrates this:
GameCollection gc = new GameCollection();

gc.add(new Game("Broken Sword"));
gc.add(new Game("Grim Fandango"));
gc.add(new Game("Maniac Mansion"));

System.out.println("Printing the iterable collection, GameCollection");

System.out.println("Printing the iterable iterator, CustomIterator");
CustomIterator gamesIterator =;

The output of the above code is as follows:
Printing the iterable collection, GameCollection
Broken Sword
Grim Fandango
Maniac Mansion
Broken Sword
Grim Fandango
Maniac  Mansion

Printing the iterable iterator, CustomIterator
Broken Sword
Grim Fandango
Maniac Mansion

Notice how when passing the iterable CustomIterator iterator to the method, the Games were only printed once, whereas when we passed in the GameCollection that implements Iterable, the Games were printed twice.

This is because when CustomIterator was passed in, the second for loop terminated immediately.