One of the features I'm trying to integrate in my game is the ability to render a Kongregate user's avatar in the game itself. For this tutorial, I will be using Kongregate's JSON REST API to fetch user data.
After skimming through the Kongregate API documentation, I found the page about the user-info REST call.
The url for a user-info call is formatted as follows:<username> where username is obviously the username for the user account you're searching for.
This provides you with a response such as the following:
{ "friends":[], "muted_users":[], "friend_ids":[], "muted_user_ids":[], "user_id":3590097, "username":"agnt666", "private":false, "page_num":1, "num_pages":1, "success":true, "user_vars":{ "username":"agnt666", "level":3, "points":165, "avatar_url":"", "chat_avatar_url":"", "developer":false, "moderator":false, "admin":false, "gender":"Male", "age":25, "game_title":"Typocalypse 3D", "game_url":"" } }
And the above response provides me with what I needed; the avatar url:
"avatar_url" : ""

Getting the avatar url in C#
Getting the username of the current Kongregate logged-in user is beyond the scope of this post (TODO: maybe in another one), so for this code I'm assuming you already have it.public UITexture kongregateTexture; IEnumerator FetchUserDetails(string username) { // Build the url for the REST call var detailsUrl = String.Format("/api/user_info.json?username={0}", username); // Do the call var www = new WWW(detailsUrl); // ...and wait until we get back a response yield return www; // Get the JSON response text var responseText = www.text; // Deserialize it into a statically typed object to read to be able to read it's contents // For this demo, I'm using this JSON deserializer script: var deserialized = MiniJSON.Json.Deserialize(responseText) as Dictionary<string,object>; //// TODO: a null check would be nice here // Get the user_vars object var userVars = deserialized["user_vars"] as Dictionary<string,object>; // Read the avatar url var avatar_url = user_vars["avatar_url"].ToString(); // //// Do the same routine to fetch the image var wwwAvatar = new WWW(avatar_url); yield return wwwAvatar; // And now we have the texture! Texture2D avatarTexture = wwwAvatar.texture; // Render the texture (I'm using an NGUI SimpleTexture widget) kongregateTexture.mainTexture = avatarTexture; }
And this is the result with a shitty border I made around it:
Possible exception: Security Exception: No valid crossdomain policy available to allow access
Notice that in the above code, to build the url of the REST call, I used Kongregate's relative url: "/api/user-info.json...".If I had used this instead String.Format("{0}", username);, I would have received this exception when running the game and looking at the debug log (console):
This error is thrown when reading the text field of the WWW instance (get_text).
So be very careful about that when doing the REST calls; always use relative urls! ...and this of course works because the game is hosted on